What is a Specification Sheet?

Building a new home is a big project, and being an informed home buyer is essential. As you can imagine, a sizable amount of documentation occurs before the foundation is dug.

You may be accustomed to floor plans and blueprints, but what about a specification sheet? While the designs note a new home’s form, dimensions, and general appearance, the builder’s specification sheet details the materials used to build your home.

Why The Spec Sheet Matters

The specification sheet lists the materials used, giving all involved a better idea of how the finished home will look. That’s why the specification sheet is so crucial.

In general, the more detailed the specification sheet is, the better. Some commonly included in specification sheets are the materials to be used and the installation requirements for specific materials.

Another reason the specification sheet is essential is it helps resolve disagreements if the quality of the materials or work is controversial. The specification sheet acts as a safeguard that holds the contractors accountable and ensures things are done right. If items are not done to the specifications, you’re in an excellent position to get them fixed free of charge.

Tips for Reviewing a Specification Sheet

As the home buyer, you should review the specification sheet before signing off. Here are some tips on how to read through it so you know what to expect.

Compare the Spec Sheet to the Blueprints.

The spec sheet and the blueprints may contain some of the same information, but they shouldn’t contradict one another.

Look for a Spec Sheet That Lists by Trade.

The specification sheet is generally segmented by trade on a project like a new home build. For example, there will be a separate list of specifications for concrete and stonework, painting, flooring, and roofing. For this reason, certain sections of the spec sheet will be more specific than others based on complexity.

Make Sure Your Minimum Standards Are Included.

The architect or builder should note that the work and materials meet minimum standards based on specific laws, such as UL standards for fire resistance.

Establish What The “Builder-Grade” Options Are.

Builder-grade indicates materials that come standard with your home purchase. Based on your budget, these features can remain as-is, or you can select upgrade options. Whenever possible, the brand and model number should be noted so it’s clear what are the basic materials and upgrades.

If You Have Questions, Ask!

Any time you aren’t 100% sure what’s noted, ask for an explanation.

Reading through specification sheets online can help you become a more knowledgeable buyer and familiarize yourself with the documentation before your specification sheet is drafted. It will also give you an idea of how involved a spec sheet should be. Get started here! Our representative will help you find the right home for your needs and lifestyle at no cost.


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